"I Cantori di S.Carlo" performed in Italy (in Rome to the "Teatro Sistina" with Vittorio Gassman - "Associazione Rolando Nicolosi" - "Istituto Sup. di Studi Umanistici" - Ass. "Terrazza Europa" - "Coro Polifonico Romano" at Oratorio del Gonfalone - Ass. "A. Longo" - "Pio Sodalizio dei Piceni" - "Rotary Club" - Aula Magna of University "Roma1 La Sapienza" - "Ass. I.M.I. " - Ass. "Professione Arte" - for the "Regione Lazio" - Como: Festival "Autunno Musicale a Como" - Fano: "Associazione Arena Sferisterio di Macerata" - Forlì: "I Concerti dell'Oratorio" at the San Filippo Neri Church - Latina: "Cooperativa Musicale di Latina" - La Spezia: "Società dei Concerti della Spezia" and for several italian towns). Abroad "I Cantori di S. Carlo" performed in: France (Strasbourg "Eglise de St.Guillame", Chambery "Eglise de Lemenc" and Grenoble "Chapelle de Saint Marie en Haut"), Malta (2 tournées: 1. La Valletta at "International Festival "Muzikafest"; 2. La Valletta "Malta International Arts Festival"), Ecuador (Quito, "Teatro Nacional Sucre", Cuenca "Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana" e Azògues "Teatro Jaime Roldòs Aguilera"), Colombia (Bogotà "Istituto Italiano di Cultura" at Sala del Museo Coloniàl and for "RTI Inravisiòn Cadena Dos"at Teatro Colòn, Cali "Sociedad Pro Artes", Santa Marta "UTM y Cajamag", Barranquilla "Corporaciòn G. Galilei" "Teatro Amira de la Rosa"), Honduras (Tegucigalpa, "Sociedad pro Arte" "Teatro Manuel Bonilla" and for University of Tegucigalpa at Aula Magna), Costa Rica (San Josè, Theatre of "Colegio M. Auxiliadora" at Nunziatura Apostolica), Switzerland (Chiasso, Cattedrale di S. Vitale, organized by the "Commissione Cultura del Comune"), Germany (3 tournées: 1. Helmstedt for the Catholic Community, Wolfsburg "St. Christophorus Church", Braunschweig St.Ægidien Cathedral for the "Istituto Italiano di Cultura"; 2. Landshut Innenhof der Residenz for the International festival of"Alte und Neue Musik", Monaco di Baviera for the "I.I.C."; 3. Regensburg for the Opening European Weeks in Bavaria), Belgium (Bruxelles, Mons and Charleroi for il the italian "M.A.E."), Hungary (Budapest, "Màtyàs-templomban" and "Marczibànyi ter" - Culture Hungary Ministry), Spain (5 tournées: 1. Madrid"Teatro del Centro Cultural Galileo", 2. Leòn "Auditorium del Real Conservatorio de Música" and Salamanca "Paraninfo" of the University; - "Secretariado de Actividades Culturales", 3. Barcelona for the "Consolato Generale d'Italia"; 4. Sevilla "Auditorium del Real Conservatorio" and Màlaga "Antiguo Reàl Conservatorio Maria Cristina", 5. Madrid "Salón de Actos de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes"), Morocco (Rabat "St. Peter Cathedral" and Casablanca "Eglise Notre Dame de Lourdes" for the "Dante Alighieri" society, Marrakech "Eglise de Marrakech" for the "Centre Cultural Français"), Russia (Leningrad, for the "Associazione URSS-ITALIA" and for the "R.Korsakov" Museum, Pûskin in the Summer Residence of Catherine the I and for the "Imperial Palace Museum"), Kenya (Nairobi "Kenya National Museum Auditorium" for I.I.C. and Mombasa "Little Theatre"), Turkey (Ankara in the italian Catholic Church and Smyrna in the Church of "Ss.mo Rosario" for the Catholic Community and Italian Embassy) and Czech Republic (Prague, Wallenstein Palace for "Praga Europa Musica" Festival,), and they have been unanimously praised by the public and critics. Does cialis cause leg cramps this web page viagra and levitra together; viagra 100 milligram understanding buy brand levitra online, sildenafil dosierung useful content viagra for alzheimers. Vascular erectile dysfunction use sildenafil tablets 150mg; tadalafil sildenafil combo review men's health tadalafil; what is tadalafil liquid check this site out how much is cialis; kamagra koerier weblink sildenafil citrate tablets buy online; tadalafil flu for beginners how to get prescribed sildenafil, 20mg sildenafil read more sildenafil canada price; cialis 20mg price at walmart our page recommended dose for viagra. Brand name cialis company main page kamagra bruistabletten; cialis coupons discount click for more tadalafil 5mg tab. Cialis black 800 for sale Continue Reading kamagra express. Cialis and bathroom similar web page woman taking sildenafil; levitra pill buy strongly suggest ยท cialis cost vs viagra; purchase peptides tadalafil my link kamagra site:taobao.com, cialis 36 hour try on cialis 10 mg price. Losartan and sildenafil updated info viagra after prostate removal. Tadalafil withdrawal symptoms main acquisto kamagra 100mg "I Cantori di S.Carlo" performed and recorded for RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana), RNE (Radio Nacionál de España), Cadena Dos de Inravisiòn (Colombia), TVM (Malta). |